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Inclusion, Respect, and Quality of Life For All


A Strategic Planning Document

PLUS Industries Incorporated

2015 to 2020


 Our Mission, Vision, and Goals

Approved by the Board of Directors on June 23, 2015

Revised by the Board of Directors on September 25, 2017


Our Mission

PLUS Industries is incorporated under the Saskatchewan Non-Profit Corporations Act 1995.  It provides services to adults with intellectual challenges in the City of Melfort and surrounding districts.


The mission of PLUS Industries is to serve the needs of participants by providing the opportunity for life skills development, vocational and technical training, supported and community based employment, and residential living in order to assist the individual in achieving an optimal degree of independence.  In so doing, we strive to promote citizenship, valorization and productivity so that participants can become contributing members of the community.

Our Vision

Inclusion, Respect, and Quality of Life for All


As we consider our role and responsibility in striving to reach our vision of “Inclusion, Respect and Quality of Life for All” during the next five-year period, the board and staff of PLUS Industries will focus on a strategic plan that includes the following goals:

Our Goals


1. Renewal of Facilities: 

It is our goal to assess the current state of all facilities, develop a plan for renewal of these facilities, and enact that plan resulting in updated facilities that are safe, clean, efficient and well organized to serve our current and future needs.   


2. Meaningful and Supported Employment: 

It is our goal to provide a variety of meaningful and supported employment opportunities for our participants so that they feel valued as individuals, recognize that they are part of a team, and are able to participate in, and contribute to, the community at large.                                                                                                                                           

3. Public Education and Community Awareness: 

It is our goal to develop strategies for public education and community awareness so that our many programs, and the contribution our participants make to the community through these programs, are recognized and appreciated.   


4. Effective and Mutually Beneficial Partnerships: 

It is our goal to enter into partnerships with the understanding and belief that effective communication, collaborative processes, and respectful relationships will lead to positive outcomes for our participants and our organization.

Our Strategic Directions


In order to achieve the four broad goals previously described, the Board of Directors has identified a set of strategic directions for each of the goals. These will be implemented in stages and be spread effectively and efficiently over the five-year period. 


A.  Strategic Directions for:  Renewal of Facilities                                                                                                   

  1. Develop and implement a plan for a new or renovated facility for the Day program and Training and Employment Centre.                                                                                                                                  

  2. Develop and implement a plan to renovate the exterior of the storefront on Main Street.                          

  3. Explore options for the purchase or construction of more residential spaces. (New September 2017)                                                                                                                                                                     

  4. Explore options for renovating and expanding the SARCAN Depot and relocating the Recycling Centre. (New September 2017)                                                                                                                     

B.  Strategic Directions for:  Meaningful and Supported Employment                                                                         

  1. Determine the level to which our current employment programs are effective. (Completed)                  

  2. Explore opportunities for new employment programs, or changes to current programs, including a pilot project. (Revised September 2017)


C.  Strategic Directions for:  Public Education and Community Awareness                                                                     

  1. Develop a presence in social media, following development of a social media policy.   (Revised September 2017)                                                                                                                                      

  2. Create resources and programs for community education.                                                                   

  3. Develop resources and strategies to make our organization more visible in the community.                                                                                                                                                            

  4. Revise or renew the ‘brand’ for our organization. (Completed)                                                                                 

D.  Strategic Directions for:  Effective and Mutually Beneficial Partnerships                                                                          

  1. Develop a network of volunteers and donors willing to share our vision, support our goals, and work with our participants.                                                                                                                             

  2. Explore opportunities for partnerships with First Nation and Métis communities.                                         

  3. Strengthen our current community and employment partnerships.


Focus for Year Three of the Five-Year Plan:

Effective September 2017 to August 2018


In year three of the strategic plan, the Board of Directors has approved the continuation of the following four strategic directions that were identified as priorities in year two even though significant progress has been made in these areas.


  1. To complete the addition and renovation of our day program and training and employment centre. (From Goal 1)                                                                                                                                     

  2. To complete the plan to renovate the exterior of the store and apartments on Main Street. (From Goal 1)                                                                                                                                                   

  3. To develop a presence in social media, following development of a social media policy. (From Goal 3)                                                                                                                                                                 

  4. To develop a network of volunteers and donors willing to share our vision, and support our cause. (From Goal 4)


In addition to the four strategic directions listed above, the following four strategic directions will also be included as priorities for year three:


5.  To explore opportunities for new employment programs, or changes to current programs, 

      including a pilot project. (From Goal 2)                                                                   


6.  To develop resources and strategies to make our organization more visible in the community.

     (From Goal 3, also supports Goal 4)                                                                                                              

7.  To explore options for the purchase or construction of more residential spaces.  (From Goal 1)                                                                                                                                                             

8.  To explore options for renovating and expanding the SARCAN Depot and relocating the

     Recycling Centre. (From Goal 1)

Alignment with CLSD Vision and Goals

During the development of this five-year strategic plan, an effort was made, given the information available at the time, to align goals and strategic directions with those of the Community Living Service Delivery Branch of the Ministry of Social Services.  We recognize that alignment may not be congruent, and that CLSD’s areas of focus may change over a five-year period. As this strategic plan unfolds, there will be regular communication with CLSD to ascertain if there are changes in the philosophy and policy of CLSD and if those changes should result in a significant change to this strategic plan.

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