Exemptions to customer return limits are available to the following groups:
Bottle Drives
Special events (weddings, concerts, etc.)
Organizations (schools, library, rinks, etc.)
Restaurants, hotels, bars
Any business or organization that buys or sells large volumes of beverage containers
SARCAN's bulk return and bottle drive process is easy! Simply call your depot to book a drop-off time a few days in advance of when you want to come. We will count your order for you, and you can return to pick up your refund cheque.
For a full list of locations visit www.sarcan.ca
Bottle drives are an easy way to raise money for schools, community groups, sports teams, extracurricular activities, group trips and more! Bottle drives provide an easy way for your family, friends and neighbors to donate to your cause.
SARCAN is proud to support bottle drives - a Saskatchwan Saturday morning tradition!
Call SARCAN staff today to book your large order drop off. 306.752.2531